Box UFC K1 Betting

Box – UFC – K1 betting are getting more and more popular in the whole world. The tournaments like Super Six and Prizefighter have made box look like football or tennis in the world of sports betting.

The most common bets on box-UFC-K1 are the win-win-draw bets. You can have a decent bet on the match, but sometimes the fights are very tight and the odds of the two fighters are similar. A better bet is the one on which the bettor predicts in which round will the match end.

In box, a match has 12 rounds and in a K1 fights it only has 3. You can also guess if the match will have above or under a certain number of rounds. You can also win on the victory of a player, whether it is made according the points or by KO.

The most important factors that you have to know to have a winning bet, in box-UFC-K1 are: if the player you want to bet on has a good shape, if he hasn’t gained weight at the official scale and if he has a year with the majority of fights one. If the fighter is the kind that often ends the match making a KO, you should consider this option, too, when you place your bet.

Another thing you should know is that in case of a draw, all bets will be canceled, if the fight ends with draw, by major decision. The results of the bets will be decided in conformity with the decision from the ring. The changes or the contestations made after the match will not influence the result of the betting.

For all the Prizefighter competitions, you have 4 betting options (without the draw option). If a fight ends with draw, then at the decision of the bets the arbitrator gets to decide. Another thing you should know is that a boxer is told to end the fight because of an opened injury, this is considered to be TKO, no matter which is the round when this takes place.
